Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (65 Viewers)

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
No it isn’t. If they’d locked the borders against FOM regulations gigs he screaming racist bastards. You believed that nut job on twitter. Even if it was correct you’d have still screamed that they were a racist government. You want liberalism and not total government empowerment - if you seriously believe any ruling party would have taken the required action you are deluding yourself
Originally you were going on about having the right to go to a park and now you seem to claim to have been all on favour of closing the border? You’re making it up as you go along, again.
The fact is the government is weak and ineffective, when did they ban flights from China? Even now they’re more preoccupied about upsetting popular opinion rather than effectively managing the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Quite a few more were as well to be fair, I’d imagine it’s your impact on us all over the years.

Also the evidence of scores of ‘Bot’ accounts that the government have been using since the referendum might be the reason?

Not that G will acknowledge that...


Well-Known Member
Originally you were going on about having the right to go to a park and now you seem to claim to have been all on favour of closing the border? You’re making it up as you go along, again.
The fact is the government is weak and ineffective, when did they ban flights from China? Even now they’re more preoccupied about upsetting popular opinion rather than effectively managing the pandemic.

when I have I mentioned parks?

If we’d banned flights in January to and from Italy you’d have been all over it like a rash

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
when I have I mentioned parks?

If we’d banned flights in January to and from Italy you’d have been all over it like a rash
You used to go on about having the right to go out to parks. Flights from China were banned here at the end of January, when were they banned to the UK?


Well-Known Member
The thing about that 128 NHS account tweet is most of the scepticism was from the left. Even on this thread it was me and NW saying it seemed dodgy then posting up another left wing person casting doubt on its veracity. The left may not be perfect but do tend to value truth and police their own borders.

The vast majority of proper criticism of Corbynite crankism was from the centre left as well. Whereas the centre right seems to be happy to either ignore or outright defend the loonier elements of their fringes.


Well-Known Member
I see we're now at the point where Grendel is trying to start arguments based on a hypothetical stance that he imagines people would have taken over something that didn't happen.
Clambering over himself to make his imaginary point he also accidentally pointed out Boris is incompetent.


Well-Known Member
You used to go on about having the right to go out to parks. Flights from China were banned here at the end of January, when were they banned to the UK?

It’s a fair point Sick Boy and the US banned flights from China on 3 or 4 Feb (think we only banned flights from Wuhan), however, I’m not convinced it did either country much good as by then the virus was already in the respective countries

Hindsight’s a great thing but in reality from what I can see (I might be wrong) youve got to pretty much ban all flights/international travel at very early stage (or the world leaders all agree travel ban from the high risk areas). One example would be that there’s little point Italy banning flights from China if the rest of the EU doesn’t (with freedom of movement).

Once the pandemic is reasonably wide spread any partial travel bans (other than very high risk areas) probably have little effect.

The international coordination in response to the pandemic has been poor (don’t get me started on China and their initial suppression of information)


Well-Known Member
I doubt many would though. We’ve seen on here the promotion of a twitter crank who claimed the government made up NHS accounts to support herd immunity when a cursory piece of research would show he’s a nut job

No one will make these decisions now as they are terrified of the masses swallowing the twitter frenzy of utterly insane accusations. The person who made this ridiculous accusation should be put in prison for 10 years and anyone promoting the nonsense a hefty fine and warning of future conduct

Then governments may become brave again

While I agree about the making up NHS accounts thing if they brought in the prison sentences the Tory press office would have to change it's address to Wormwood Scrubs!


Well-Known Member
I see we now want to be part of any new EU purchasing rounds. Clearly a political decision.

It was a fuck up but as far as I’m aware hasn’t made any difference yet (I read earlier than none of the schemes previous order has been delivered yet). I reckon we expected to have sorted their own supply chains by now but they’re still not secure/certain (as everyone’s fighting over the same major bulk suppliers - I still can’t believe that our/other countries pandemic supply chain planning relies on international deliveries ?!!)


Well-Known Member
It’s a fair point Sick Boy and the US banned flights from China on 3 or 4 Feb (think we only banned flights from Wuhan), however, I’m not convinced it did either country much good as by then the virus was already in the respective countries

Hindsight’s a great thing but in reality from what I can see (I might be wrong) youve got to pretty much ban all flights/international travel at very early stage (or the world leaders all agree travel ban from the high risk areas). One example would be that there’s little point Italy banning flights from China if the rest of the EU doesn’t (with freedom of movement).

Once the pandemic is reasonably wide spread any partial travel bans (other than very high risk areas) probably have little effect.

The international coordination in response to the pandemic has been poor (don’t get me started on China and their initial suppression of information)

I get the point about travel bans being ineffective after the event. But fast forward a couple of months are we really going to allow unrestricted/unchecked travel when we may be most vulnerable to a second wave of infections? Do we really want people from a high-risk country (like the US which has absolutely gone to shit) potentially brining it back to these shores??

That’s the time when we need to restrict, screen and track very diligently.


Well-Known Member
I get the point about travel bans being ineffective after the event. But fast forward a couple of months are we really going to allow unrestricted/unchecked travel when we may be most vulnerable to a second wave of infections? Do we really want people from a high-risk country (like the US which has absolutely gone to shit) potentially brining it back to these shores??

That’s the time when we need to restrict, screen and track very diligently.

Agree Ian. I can’t see international travel getting fully back to normal until much later this year at the earliest anyway. It surely should be in our thinking when agreeing exit from lockdown strategy (no point us getting it under control and allowing travellers from high risk areas in).

However, do you allow travel from non high risk areas/countries with similar transmission rates to ourselves ?! My view is probably yes (as travel numbers will probably be significantly lower compared to a normal year) but then again, if those countries are allowing high risk travellers into their countries the problem remains.

tricky !


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought would be the case, on the news the other day they were saying they weren't which is why people were rushing to make millions more.

I can understand why gloves aren't but things that are material, just wash them properly and re-use.
I work in the industrial laundry industry, hospital scrubs, bed sheets, towels, bed curtains ect are collected daily. They’re taken away & laundered off-site in the vast majority of hospitals.
I know the Royal Devon & Exeter launder their own gowns ect & also Craigavon in Belfast. I’m sure there are other’s, but not many. A company called Elis behind I think Asda on the Whitley Rd wash local hospital linen.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
It’s a fair point Sick Boy and the US banned flights from China on 3 or 4 Feb (think we only banned flights from Wuhan), however, I’m not convinced it did either country much good as by then the virus was already in the respective countries

Hindsight’s a great thing but in reality from what I can see (I might be wrong) youve got to pretty much ban all flights/international travel at very early stage (or the world leaders all agree travel ban from the high risk areas). One example would be that there’s little point Italy banning flights from China if the rest of the EU doesn’t (with freedom of movement).

Once the pandemic is reasonably wide spread any partial travel bans (other than very high risk areas) probably have little effect.

The international coordination in response to the pandemic has been poor (don’t get me started on China and their initial suppression of information)
Yeah I agree with you, banning flights from specific countries is pointless, I wasn’t the one making the point though.


Well-Known Member
Oh it’s our biggest advantage no question and yes we could have locked our borders immediately and should have done. Whatever you think of this government it’s essentially weak and liberal on its thinking and courts popular thinking. If they’d done it the outrage regarding its racist, xenophobic behaviour would have been confirmed. The Rachel Riley stalkier would have been in full flow and everyone pretty much in here would have been outraged

Churchill would have locked the borders and anyone who’s travelled from China, Italy and Spain would be against their will isolated

and everyone on here would squeal racist Tory

You described the pandemic as social media hyperbole so don't now pretend you thought stronger action should have been taken because you want to spin some bullshit narrative that the government is "weak and liberal" and can't take strong action because of social media criticism.


Well-Known Member
I think if children going skiing in Italy in January were forcibly detained for two weeks afterwards there would have been outrage. I do think the one thing the government could and should have done is locked borders and detained all nationals from high infected areas for two weeks and then cancelled all future travel but I also think the backlash would have been horrific.

Why is the alternative to not taking action locking up children? Clearly they would have just restricted people going on holiday. You fucking maniac.


Well-Known Member
Agree Ian. I can’t see international travel getting fully back to normal until much later this year at the earliest anyway. It surely should be in our thinking when agreeing exit from lockdown strategy (no point us getting it under control and allowing travellers from high risk areas in).

However, do you allow travel from non high risk areas/countries with similar transmission rates to ourselves ?! My view is probably yes (as travel numbers will probably be significantly lower compared to a normal year) but then again, if those countries are allowing high risk travellers into their countries the problem remains.

tricky !

We could let them in but test for symptoms and/or make them isolate and provide details of travel plans etc. Ideally we could test them on arrival properly but not feasible (at the moment anyway).

Mind you, we should have done that from the start.


Well-Known Member
We could let them in but test for symptoms and/or make them isolate and provide details of travel plans etc. Ideally we could test them on arrival properly but not feasible (at the moment anyway).

Mind you, we should have done that from the start.

Details of travel plans (contact details etc) I 100% agree with for tracking/tracing.

Our border controls are shit, always have been, probably always will be !

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
I had a problem with the weird mask wearing.
It was often quoted that the mask wearing was because people had a cold and didn’t want to pass it on.
i explained this away as a weak argument because most of the mask wearers live in highly polluted cities and not Warwick Uni why insult people in the uk?

I see olde people wearing masks now. I hope this stops as soon as they are safe. It would be a kick in the balls for the Yoof if they try to look hard in front of Ninja Gertrude.

The sooner we get back to normal the better.

Then I can pour scorn on mask wearing Yoof.


Well-Known Member
Sure I read something the other day saying they were more likely!!

Yes a lot of evidence saying you're higher risk being a smoker. I think our authorities were saying you were 14 times more likely to die if you were a smoker. There seems to be a lot of confusion around this. I am wondering if a lot of the smokers with poor health in the most vulnerable age categories are already deceased so it appears fewer smokers have it, yet perhaps once they do it is more likely to be fatal.

Not sure anything like this will be clear until we have more accurate data all around and time to put together proper studies and peer review them.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think anything is supposed to be delivered yet is it? There’s schedules for delivery to meet demand as it’s needed based on information from those that took part in the scheme. It set out to find new suppliers and manufacturers for PPE and other medical supplies and as far as I understand they succeeded in that. If the first scheduled delivery is missed then the article may have a point.

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