Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (65 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Sound but as already said most people have to turn up when their employers say they have to and yet you call them selfish.

Utter whopper

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Which Burger King are you In again?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
With regards to the earlier conversation about Elon Musk.

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This is like Tim Martin here. People have succeeded in one field think that makes them an expert at everything.
And people keep giving them.platforms to spout their bollocks (I appreciate this was on Twitter).
That's why the prick got into the argument with the cave diver because he thought he knew more than someone who'd been involved in dozens of similar operations.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Sound but as already said most people have to turn up when their employers say they have to and yet you call them selfish.

Utter walloper

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I will bet you that most other areas that went back went back with some sense, the self important of London is all rush rush. The other question is where were they all going. TfL should have closed the gates to the tubes to limit the numbers.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I will bet you that most other areas that went back went back with some sense, the self important of London is all rush rush. The other question is where were they all going. TfL should have closed the gates to the tubes to limit the numbers.

Here's a thought maybe the clown could have provided more than 12 hours' notice


Well-Known Member
Why are serious scientists suggesting there is one then? Or is the range the estimated R value between all of those settings?

I mean there is one if you take national data, it’ll just be less accurate than a more regional one. I’d guess that scientists, unlike the media and the general public, are more comfortable with data with error bars.


Well-Known Member
Can't speak for the primary school teachers but would imagine as they only have 1 class to look after they could halve the numbers in each group and get 'spare' staff from other years to cover. Years 7-9 could probably manage on remote learning for the remainder of term but Year 10 and 12 really do need at least some time in the classroom if just for a few days to get things in order. The number one priority though is Year 6 for both primary and secondary as the jump is scary enough for most even in normal times

What conditions would be required fir teachers to go back to work and consider the environment safe? And when is this likely to happen?


Well-Known Member
Christ it's depressing. I genuinely worry where will be by the end of this clowns tenure
I do wonder if much of the current problem is compounded by franchising out of Gov't and local authority , health bodies etc .
Lengthening the chain of command , Negating the ability to follow a central simple edict and introducing complicating legalities.
Seems like commercial entities who wished to join initiatives hit a vacuum with their enquiries.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Question to the teachers of the group, I know there's a few. What do you make of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 kids phased back?

I can see the Year 6s being OK, they should be able to respect and understand keeping to (I assume) their own desks, keeping their distances in the playground or the dinner hall.

The young 'uns though, it's going to be a nightmare surely making them understand they can't play or be with their friends. All that cross contamination going back to parent's homes.

I get the feeling they just want a creche so people can get back to work.
You're absolutely right about a creche.
What the hell hope is there of ensuring YR Y1 Y2 of keeping their distance, wiping their snotty noses and washing their hands after going to the toilet ?
Its a hotbed of spreading colds and coughs ordinarily so covid will love it. Are we going to have a T.A. permanently positioned outside the toilets to let one in at a time and then apply hand sanitiser on the way out ? I don't think so.
Besides, the kids can do a bit or reading, writing, colouring in at home. It ain't rocket science. Lots of these parents are too fucking lazy to bother.
. Keep KS1 at home until September.
Yes , I'm a teacher.


Well-Known Member
What conditions would be required fir teachers to go back to work and consider the environment safe? And when is this likely to happen?

I still wonder if a summer camp scenario is the safest way to overcome the problem of children bringing it home from school.
Although the data is incomplete as to whether they are big spreaders.
It may be the bigger risk is via drop off and pick up time .
Maybe that is the area that needs work .
Teachers with health issues or BAME backgrounds would need shielding.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
So when would you feel safe with your child going to school - and I assume the safety is not the child but infecting others?

It’s a difficult one as we have had Covid and they assuming that our kids have as well as my wife showed no signs. I am guessing it year one to start work for the sats otherwise I can see now point, I thought it would be a fresh start in September for all and would be more comfortable with that. Having a daughter that is on the list to be shielded muddies the water further


Well-Known Member
Question to the teachers of the group, I know there's a few. What do you make of the Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 kids phased back?

I can see the Year 6s being OK, they should be able to respect and understand keeping to (I assume) their own desks, keeping their distances in the playground or the dinner hall.

The young 'uns though, it's going to be a nightmare surely making them understand they can't play or be with their friends. All that cross contamination going back to parent's homes.

I get the feeling they just want a creche so people can get back to work.

Again can’t speak for the primaries directly, but would assume the rationale for Year 6 is to try and put in some kind of transition process for their move to secondary. Reception and Y1 possibly the idea of allowing parents to return to work.. but like you said social distancing is near on impossible to achieve in the size of these school environments - never mind with under 6’s that are naturally tactile with each other and the adults. Someone else might argue about reception kids needing to develop reading etc but it’s a bit of a thin argument to bring them back in IMO....

As Brighton also said about getting Y10 and Y12 in - anything before the summer would help them, but that has its own issue in the fact that not everyone will come in (actually very few I think will go to school now before September) and if you then deliver new content you just exacerbate the gaps in cohorts which already exist anyway. I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up having to adjust/predict their grades again in some way when we get to Summer 2021.


Well-Known Member
I mean there is one if you take national data, it’ll just be less accurate than a more regional one. I’d guess that scientists, unlike the media and the general public, are more comfortable with data with error bars.
Sounds nightmarish to manage in a micro manner , across a smallish nation with internal borders


Well-Known Member
What conditions would be required fir teachers to go back to work and consider the environment safe? And when is this likely to happen?

Would think the following would have to be seriously discussed and planned for.

PPE equipment for teachers and students.

Plans around social distancing within the school
buildings as long as social distancing is in place (which I personally think are unachievable)

Staffing - you will have staff that are shielding and cannot work, staff that are shielding children or partners. How does that affect your ability to keep kids safe.

Students - again with the shielding aspect, how many parents will just keep kids at home as they feel it’s unsafe.

Lots more as well no doubt.


Well-Known Member
Would think the following would have to be seriously discussed and planned for.

PPE equipment for teachers and students.

Plans around social distancing within the school
buildings as long as social distancing is in place (which I personally think are unachievable)

Staffing - you will have staff that are shielding and cannot work, staff that are shielding children or partners. How does that affect your ability to keep kids safe.

Students - again with the shielding aspect, how many parents will just keep kids at home as they feel it’s unsafe.

Lots more as well no doubt.

I assume you accept children have no chance of dying from the virus so no one would think it’s unsafe for children themselves to go to school?

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I assume you accept children have no chance of dying from the virus so no one would think it’s unsafe for children themselves to go to school?

They have less chance but still some chance as they may have issues that have not yet surfaced


Well-Known Member
I assume you accept children have no chance of dying from the virus so no one would think it’s unsafe for children themselves to go to school?
What about when they bring it home? How many parents are vulnerable and supposed to be shielding? How many households have more than 2 generations so have grandparents living at home? Too simple an answer to just say children have no chance of dying (which isn’t even true anyway) it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I assume you accept children have no chance of dying from the virus so no one would think it’s unsafe for children themselves to go to school?
No I don’t accept that because it’s not true. There are possibly countless children that have unknown ‘underlying’ conditions so you can’t make that assumption.


Well-Known Member
Are we really about to get into all your usual shite about kids dying or not dying now? Have a day off.

The answer is two and the ONS guy on the Marr show who is very anti government yesterday said this is mass hysteria from a child safety angle and people need to understand risk management - his words not mine

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The answer is two and the ONS guy on the Marr show who is very anti government yesterday said this is mass hysteria from a child safety angle and people need to understand risk management - his words not mine

I know that the % of deaths for the under 20s is practically 0, but they aren’t the ones running the school and as the pre lockdown week showed it doesn’t take many teachers to be off for chaos to follow.

More to the point do we have evidence that children can’t still carry the virus?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I assume you accept children have no chance of dying from the virus so no one would think it’s unsafe for children themselves to go to school?

There was a fella (possibly something to do with SAGE) on 5live this morning who said its accepted that children are relatively unaffected by the virus but he said there are 2 schools of thought into how much they spread it with one been low risk of spreading it and the other been high risk.

I'm not sure how they can send kids back until they clear that up. The kids might be safe but what about they're families which could have members who are vulnerable?


Well-Known Member
I think even the idea of isolating young kids of 5 & 6 yrs & surrounding them (from 2m distance) with adults in facemasks is desperately'll fuck them up in all sorts of ways......

.....all this additional national stress & anxiety brought on by some half-arsed idea to get a few kids back to school for about 6 weeks before they break up again..... Its astoundingly dumb.

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