Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (27 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The idea that we can’t be told what the exit strategy is because we might break it is pure nonsense.

Business needs to be able to plan. This is Brexit all over again with the government coming out with some half arsed excuse as to why they haven’t done any forward planning and their supporters lapping it up. Before it was “we don’t want to give the plan away” now it’s “you plebs can’t be trusted”.

At the moment you’ve got business owners I know playing guessing games on the future of their livelihood based of rumours in newspapers. Should my barber plan to be out of work for another six months? Is his one of the first or last businesses to reopen? Same for social club owners, restauranteers, teachers, etc.

You don’t need dates but some idea of order and trigger points allows people to plan.
Of course its nonsense. Nobody is asking for exact dates or even complete detail on the plan. Just a vague idea of what the plan is. At the moment it seems there is no plan.

I'm now having a battle with my parents to stop them 'just popping out' because the only thing they're hearing is that restrictions could last for 18 months. You can't keep people in their houses for 18 months so they're decided if that's the plan they might as well just do what they want now.


Well-Known Member
The chessington test site has been taking 3 to 4 weeks to.come back
Guardian said:
Hospitals sought to take over the operation of a flagship government coronavirus testing centre from the accounting firm Deloitte after severe failings in the service led to the test results of NHS staff being lost or sent to the wrong person, the Guardian can reveal.

The drive-through centre, at Chessington World of Adventures, in Surrey, was among the first in what will be a network of about 50 regional facilities, trumpeted by the health secretary, Matt Hancock, as key to delivering on the government promise of 100,000 tests a day by the end of April.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Accountancy firm running a medical testing site

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Well-Known Member
Another one for the 'nobody could have predicted this' file:
Ministers were warned last year the UK must have a robust plan to deal with a pandemic virus and its potentially catastrophic social and economic consequences in a confidential Cabinet Office briefing leaked to the Guardian.

The detailed document warned that even a mild pandemic could cost tens of thousands of lives, and set out the must-have “capability requirements” to mitigate the risks to the country, as well as the potential damage of not doing so.
Revealed: UK ministers were warned last year of risks of coronavirus pandemic


Well-Known Member

Why am I not surprised?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Those ones who think they are orchestrating it to make themselves look like they love the NHS more than everybody else.

There were fireworks goiing off in one of my neighbouring streets last night.
Waste money attention seeking for the NHS


Well-Known Member
Likwise HIV tests.

They can only tell if someone was negative at the time the test was taken, not if they've become infected or infected someone else since then.

How would any test predict the future?


Well-Known Member
Of course its nonsense. Nobody is asking for exact dates or even complete detail on the plan. Just a vague idea of what the plan is. At the moment it seems there is no plan.

I'm now having a battle with my parents to stop them 'just popping out' because the only thing they're hearing is that restrictions could last for 18 months. You can't keep people in their houses for 18 months so they're decided if that's the plan they might as well just do what they want now.

Exactly. Currently people are going off Facebook posts and scaremongering headlines, how can anyone suggest any info from the government would be worse.

Roads today were pretty much where I’d expect them to be lunchtime on a Friday, people have had enough of being kept in the dark and fed shit and are giving up. I know people planning BBQs for mid May because fuck it everyone else is out. All over Twitter people are saying it feels like we’re not really in lockdown any more.

Complete lack of leadership from the government.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
From the 4th May things will start to reopen gradulally, so any hint that things are going badly and the restrictions will return. We are able to travel unrestricted within our own regions' from the 4th, which means that a weekend at the in-laws has already been planned....
Enjoy. They will have plenty of lockdown stories for you to enjoy


Well-Known Member
We are still fully open, even for the non essential work streams. Lots of other non essential business/production are remaining open.
Where do you work?
I make bog rolls for a living. We also make Kleenex here.

My job is very important because if we didn't work nobody would be able to stockpile five years worth of bog rolls.....


Well-Known Member
Yet to stop working myself aside from 2 weeks self isolating due to one of the kids showing symptoms. I think this has been pretty common for smaller manufacturing companies where social distancing measures are feasible. Certainly in my experience.

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