Kcic front bid to buy club (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The thing is, how can people back it without knowing all of the details?

Doesn't stop people backing the club playing in a sisu owned stadium. Why should this any different to them people?


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is that the KCIC proposal is a far better deal for Sisu than Northampton. Nobody can argue with that. Even the few on here who try to.
Sisu would be insane to turn it down. There seem to be one or two on here advocating that Sisu get it rent free, totally, utterly. Unbelievable (Jeff).
Try telling your mortgage company or landlord you intend to not pay - see how far you get.

Long term, I want my club to be paying as little as possible on outgoings and getting as much as possible from incoming revenue. Why would you want our club to pay more on it's outgoings?

A little crazy, no?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be a genuinely "rent and matchday costs free" offer if there was no charge for the under 5000 crowds, but then the KCIC group picked up all the costs and rent for any crowds over 5000?

Got a feeling that this offer as it stands is the wriong way round?

I guess it is up to SISU to make the next step. I dont expect them to accept this (obviously it isn't a "real" offer as Grendel liked to put it). If they say they are interested and make a counter-offer then its a step in the right direction.


Long term, I want my club to be paying as little as possible on outgoings and getting as much as possible from incoming revenue. Why would you want our club to pay more on it's outgoings?

A little crazy, no?

Exactly. I emphasise club also...


Well-Known Member
Long term, I want my club to be paying as little as possible on outgoings and getting as much as possible from incoming revenue. Why would you want our club to pay more on it's outgoings?

A little crazy, no?

Obviously we all want the club to pay less. But if you pay more, and get A LOT more custom from it, then it is the right decision to make is it not? It may even be crazy enough to make everyone look at sorting this out properly again ........


Well-Known Member
Fair play to KCIC, although I don't hold much hope on SISU accepting either offer. Maybe if they lose the judicial review they would consider it


Well-Known Member
Fair play to KCIC, although I don't hold much hope on SISU accepting either offer. Maybe if they lose the judicial review they would consider it

There is a slim hope that if they lose, they decide to take an offer like this and sell up ............ slim hope.


When I met with ML, the one thing he said that stuck was "If CCFC are at sixfields next season they are finished."

Where do people stand on this comment then?

I stand by taking it with a pinch of salt as with everything we can't believe one comment to suit and then cry bullshit about everything else.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody spoken to acl to see what the rent abd costs will be??

The KCIC group says it would only require the club to look at reimbursing them when attendances at the Ricoh were above 5,000 - more than double the average attendance at Sixfields last season.

That bit is interesting, sounds like that hoffman offer of paying the rent

Regardless, it is still a better deal for the club than paying rent with 2k crowds at sixfields

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
This will be contender for the most unpopular post today, but this was my immediate reaction on reading the offer and this thread:

'Hmmm - I wonder if someone has now read the judge's preliminary ruling and set in motion a new plan to confuse the situation and put pressure on FL?'

Jesus, out of everyone on this thread I am so surprised you found a way to bring it back to that. You certainly weren't joking about not wanting the club to move forward were you.


Well-Known Member
When I met with ML, the one thing he said that stuck was "If CCFC are at sixfields next season they are finished."

Finished would be an overstatement unless he is implying that SISU will only fund one more season before giving up on the project. I don't think anyone could argue that every day that we aren't based in Coventry does more damage, people drift away and find other things to do. I don't mean they stop being supporters or start supporting Villa, being a Cov fan just becomes a less significant part of their life and the longer we're away the greater the number of people who feel that way. The longer we stay away the harder it is going to be to get the same level of support should we ever return.


Well-Known Member
Now this is the kind of post (and Jack's) that irks. Why so defensive? Shouldn't fans be asking questions of the offer. Our esteemed owners certainly will.

It's just the impression you (and Nick) give in respect of not giving the same critique to Sisu.
You seem to accept what they say and in some cases justify it IMHO


Well-Known Member
Can't you just for once be positive on something ?
IMHO Just throwing spanners in the works is very annoying.



Well-Known Member
Obviously we all want the club to pay less. But if you pay more, and get A LOT more custom from it, then it is the right decision to make is it not? It may even be crazy enough to make everyone look at sorting this out properly again ........

Don't disgree with that Lew (same Lew I bought a ticket of for the JPT semi vs Crewe?). I disagree with the way SISU go about things....taking us out of Cov has been disasterous but I agree with the club paying as little as possible at a stadium in Coventry.

You're right though...it'd be worth paying to be back at the Ricoh...so long as it's not detrimental to our finances, as it has been previously.


Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member
Well done KCIC.

And anybody else that's making a positive effort to resolve this bullshit (SBT et al.)

Keep them engaged, call their bluff...try anything- you never know what will work, and if nothing else, it just provides further evidence that SISU has no interest in resolving this in a reasonable manner.


Well-Known Member
It's just the impression you (and Nick) give in respect of not giving the same critique to Sisu.
You seem to accept what they say and in some cases justify it IMHO

Take a look at post #58...similar sort of post to anything one would expect from Nick, Torch, many others, yet no one's castigated that poster.

Some agendas are becoming more and more apparent.....


Well-Known Member
Jesus, out of everyone on this thread I am so surprised you found a way to bring it back to that. You certainly weren't joking about not wanting the club to move forward were you.
Can Kcic disclose who the well known Cov businessman is in the spirit of openness and breaking with the past?


Well-Known Member
Can Kcic disclose who the well known Cov businessman is in the spirit of openness and breaking with the past?

I think it may take the combined deductive reasoning of Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, Miss Marple, Maigrait and Kurt Wallander to get to the bottom of that mystery.

Who is that Masked Man?


Well-Known Member
Sisu have to respond by today apparently. Let's hope they make the right decision hahahahahaha ok


Well-Known Member
The club statement has been posted acknowledging a letter but club not for sale.


Well-Known Member
Sisu have to respond by today apparently. Let's hope they make the right decision hahahahahaha ok

That's right, delivered on Wednesday morning, decision by Friday.

To think people accused them of not doing enough due-dilligence when they originally took over the club eh?

They must be idiots.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Can Kcic disclose who the well known Cov businessman is in the spirit of openness and breaking with the past?

Not sure what relevance your post has with mine but I would hope they could disclose who it is. I would like to know, but then I would also like to know what exactly Sisu/Otium's plans are and as sure as eggs are eggs, they certainly won't break with the past on that one.


Well-Known Member
We all knew the club wasn't for sale but I shall take encouragement from the fact the statement didn't dismiss option 1 did it?


Well-Known Member
Of course they have.. idiot.
So why has'nt the CET printed the whole offer so we can make an informed decision? Cos if that is the offer then i don't think anyone in their right mind can except it, there are to many "what if " or What about! question to be asked before you can call it an offer


New Member
"While Coventry City Football Club acknowledges receipt of a letter, the club wishes to make clear that it is not for sale."

Well that is not acceptable is it.

Why didn't they have a meeting with KCIC to discuss this? Why didn't they have a valuation done? Seems to be a little inconsistency here compared to the way they have gone about trying to buy the Ricoh and the responses they received. I now expect Labovitch to extend an invitation to Ms Seppala to attend the forum next week so that she can answer questions about the refusal to sell the club.

Jack Griffin

Stop being sensible . It's all about the pies. Didn't you know ?.

Pies pies pies .

(The only decent ones IMO were the Balti ones . Rest were shit) :whistle:

Locally sauced.. (pun intentional, I can spell :) )

Jack Griffin

The club statement has been posted acknowledging a letter but club not for sale.

Interesting, so far they haven't said no to free rent.. so they are obviously thinking about it... it is a very terse response.. so far..

Coventry City Football Club issue response to reports in today's local media
While Coventry City Football Club acknowledges receipt of a letter, the club wishes to make clear that it is not for sale.

Read more at http://www.ccfc.co.uk/news/article/...-city-200614-1653272.aspx#A1kyJBmpZcAbWoDw.99

Either they are struggling to find a justification for dismissing it or they are actually considering taking the offer up.

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