I don't know where to even start with this.
I had a mini stroke last year and three ops this year. Pretty much everyone I came into contact with, within the NHS was a "migrant." From doctors to nurses, to OH, to porters.
They were all brilliant and all very lovely.
Both my father and mother had carers, about 85% of which, were African. Again, pretty much all really helpful and very kind.
But you want us to hit the streets and drive home our feeling towards migrants?
Do I need to go out with a big foam hand and wave a little flag?
Again, it's this huge, whopping, big generalisation isn't it.
You against all migrants?
I don't think anyone is against all migrants, or all Muslims for that matter.
The vast majority of both are decent hard working members of society.
However, there is undoubtedly a small minority who are like the "hate preacher" Abu Hamzer who seek to radicalise young men to carry out acts of terror.
It's these people who need to be caught and removed from our streets.
Unfortunately though, anyone who dares to speak out gets called racist or a bigot by people who some how think the comments made are aimed at ALL immigrants.
Let me make it perfectly clear, any one who lives in peace and works for their living and contributes to society is IMHO welcome.
But if they hate the west, and want to bomb people at concerts, attack our soldiers, rape our women, groom our teenagers, or stab our children to death then they need to be permanently removed from society by any means possible.