Uncomfortable reading.... (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
There have been fuckheads doing all sorts of abhorrent things in the name of religion for the last 2500 years.

Too many people being brainwashed by media into grouping Islam, immigration and refugees as the same thing.

Each has its own problems that need addressing - you can't solve all 3 with the same approach

I wasn't grouping them together to be fair. It was mainly a response to the lefties comment.

Jack Griffin

The head of Cologne's police force is leaving his post "to restore public trust in the police" following scores of attacks on women in the city on New Year's Eve.

The state interior minister said on Friday that he had placed Wolfgang Albers in temporary retirement.

The police's handling of the night's events has been sharply criticised.

The violence outside the main railway station has sparked a debate about Germany's open door policy on migrants.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks.

A large group, numbering around 1,000, had gathered inside and in front of the station in the western city.

Victims described chaos as the men carried out dozens of sexual assaults and robberies with little apparent response from the authorities.

Image caption Police did make some arrests in the early hours of New Year's Day

Federal authorities say they have identified 18 asylum-seekers among 31 suspects linked to crimes committed in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

Earlier, Mayor Henriette Reker had spoken out against Mr Albers, saying "the relationship of trust with the police leadership" was substantially shaken, according to German media.

The police chief has been accused of holding back information about the attacks, in particular about the origin of the suspects.

The interior minister of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Ralf Jaeger, said his decision to remove Mr Albers would not affect the continuing investigation into the events of 31 December.

"People rightly want to know what happened on New Year's Eve, who the perpetrators are and how such events can be prevented in future," he said.


I don't see why anyone should be an apologist for these crimes, let the truth out!


Well-Known Member
I wasn't grouping them together to be fair. It was mainly a response to the lefties comment.

To be fair I didn't think you were. ;)

It's just another cog on the capitalist propaganda machine.


Well-Known Member
The difference is that homosexuality is legal in Ireland and the UK and has been for some time, admittedly Ireland was only 20 years ago. Unlike Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco Oman, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan etc etc etc

Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen are places where being homosexual is punishable by death. All of these countries have something in common, can't put my finger on it.....

Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member
Just curious as to why this article makes "uncomfortable reading for fair-minded folk".

As numerous posters have pointed out, attitudes towards unveiled, unescorted women in the ME and North Africa are well known- these lads are just doing what they were brought up with.

The uncomfortable reading is that written by brain-washed apologists.


Well-Known Member
Hardly a surprise is it. Cultures have clashed since the beginning of time. What's worrying is German women being advised to dress modestly in their own "free" country


Well-Known Member
Merkel's 'Open Door' announcement was one of the most irresponsible statements ever made by a leading politician. It will inevitably result in massive tensions and dangerous instability within Europe's biggest nation.

Where are those clowns now who stood there clapping at Munich station a few months ago holding up their daft 'welcome' signs?


Well-Known Member
Merkel's 'Open Door' announcement was one of the most irresponsible statements ever made by a leading politician. It will inevitably result in massive tensions and dangerous instability within Europe's biggest nation.

Where are those clowns now who stood there clapping at Munich station a few months ago holding up their daft 'welcome' signs?

when she said "wir schaffen es" there were thousands in Hungary and more on the way. Merkel didn't start the migration. There's is a war going on. You call it daft to welcome refugees, but there are a lot of people who would call it a humane act to help people whose way of life has been destroyed. Yes, in a million people you will have scumbags and their culture is absurd in comparison to German culture ( and they will see German culture as absurd from their point of view ). It is no fun, but this war with everyone joining in, testing their weapons and pursuing their own goals is also no fun for Syrians and Iraqis. I don't see why the Moroccans and Algerians are here though ( from Germany's point of view ). The tension is building here. 30% say they won't visit big events anymore and pepper spray is selling like hot cakes. My main business is taking part on big events.... Police expect 1000 hooligans at a protest rally in Cologne today - I'd say more.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Hardly a surprise is it. Cultures have clashed since the beginning of time. What's worrying is German women being advised to dress modestly in their own "free" country

It certainly is bizarre and is not in line with European values. Saying that though, you see plenty of white European men behaving inappropriately towards women as Duffer highlighted earlier. There is still a belief amongst the more desperate men that women are somehow asking for attention based on the way they dress.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
when she said "wir schaffen es" there were thousands in Hungary and more on the way. Merkel didn't start the migration. There's is a war going on. You call it daft to welcome refugees, but there are a lot of people who would call it a humane act to help people whose way of life has been destroyed. Yes, in a million people you will have scumbags and their culture is absurd in comparison to German culture ( and they will see German culture as absurd from their point of view ). It is no fun, but this war with everyone joining in, testing their weapons and pursuing their own goals is also no fun for Syrians and Iraqis. I don't see why the Moroccans and Algerians are here though ( from Germany's point of view ). The tension is building here. 30% say they won't visit big events anymore and pepper spray is selling like hot cakes. My main business is taking part on big events.... Police expect 1000 hooligans at a protest rally in Cologne today - I'd say more.

If these sort of incidenta continue you certainly have to fear that the far right will try to take advantage. I wonder if those directing this sexually assaulting women are the other side of the coin and are trying to cause tension as well.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Can't edit posts on mobile so hope that makes sense.

It's a shame the racists and bigots on both sides don't fuck off and leave the rest of us to enjoy life.


Well-Known Member
when she said "wir schaffen es" there were thousands in Hungary and more on the way. Merkel didn't start the migration. There's is a war going on. You call it daft to welcome refugees, but there are a lot of people who would call it a humane act to help people whose way of life has been destroyed. Yes, in a million people you will have scumbags and their culture is absurd in comparison to German culture ( and they will see German culture as absurd from their point of view ). It is no fun, but this war with everyone joining in, testing their weapons and pursuing their own goals is also no fun for Syrians and Iraqis. I don't see why the Moroccans and Algerians are here though ( from Germany's point of view ). The tension is building here. 30% say they won't visit big events anymore and pepper spray is selling like hot cakes. My main business is taking part on big events.... Police expect 1000 hooligans at a protest rally in Cologne today - I'd say more.

Her 'Open Door' announcement was bad enough in itself but her most reckless statement was that Germany would be responsible for processing the asylum claims. This announcement effectively made the EU borderless by rendering the Dublin Convention rules for asylum seekers obsolete.

The DC rules were created to ensure that refugees must claim asylum in the first European Union country that they reach. They were designed to protect Europe's borders whilst ensuring an orderly management of claims.

So the combined effect of a borderless EU and footage German citizens gleefully welcoming one and all, mobilised hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions of muslims from the Middle East, North Africa and the Sub Continent.

The inevitable consequence was always going to be dangerous and rapidly escalating instability within Germany.


Well-Known Member
Her 'Open Door' announcement was bad enough in itself but her most reckless statement was that Germany would be responsible for processing the asylum claims. This announcement effectively made the EU borderless by rendering the Dublin Convention rules for asylum seekers obsolete.

The DC rules were created to ensure that refugees must claim asylum in the first European Union country that they reach. They were designed to protect Europe's borders whilst ensuring an orderly management of claims.

So the combined effect of a borderless EU and footage German citizens gleefully welcoming one and all, mobilised hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions of muslims from the Middle East, North Africa and the Sub Continent.

The inevitable consequence was always going to be dangerous and rapidly escalating instability within Germany.

Dublin Convention fell out of the window because of the sheer numbers and determination to get out of a war zone. With hindsight it was a naive agreement. Now the refugees are deciding where they want to stay and without the use of force, you cannot get everyone to go to where you want them to. You are dealing with a million in Germany alone. You also have Erdogan using them as a way to push his own agenda. War creates instability- regardless of Frau Merkel.


Well-Known Member
If these sort of incidenta continue you certainly have to fear that the far right will try to take advantage. I wonder if those directing this sexually assaulting women are the other side of the coin and are trying to cause tension as well.

Far right think that it is Christmas again. State elections coming up. Police chief in Cologne scored an own goal. Got his story wrong - like a criminal being questioned. He was a political appointee- had never been a policeman. ZDF news channel scored a second own goal by suppressing the news. The truth always comes out nowadays. The far right refer to the "Lügenpresse" - als did Goebels. The lying press. Unfortunately, in this case, they have been proved right. Total loss of trust is affecting the middle of society, not just the fringe groups. We are being patronised by the government media, who are deciding what we should know and what would be bad for us to know. Merkel has her work cut out now. Her own party are getting restless and there is talk of the CSU sister party asking their members whether they should leave the coalition if Merkel doesn't agree to a limit of refugees. The right will try to up the tension in advance of the state elections. Expect dirty tricks. Having said that, I have a teenage daughter and am not enjoying this. I am worried about the right AfD party growing in influence at the same time as some scumbags ( few in relation to one million ) within the refugees frightening females and pickpocketing train travellers. Lose lose situation.

Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member
I note the police were active today at the demo by "far right" Pegida (who don't rape or molest women) in Cologne complete with water cannon and riot gear, whereas 200 of them were apparently powerless to do anything on new years eve.

Weird that, innit?


Well-Known Member
I note the police were active today at the demo by "far right" Pegida (who don't rape or molest women) in Cologne complete with water cannon and riot gear, whereas 200 of them were apparently powerless to do anything on new years eve.

Weird that, innit?

No. Not weird.. Last Right wing demo in Cologne was Hooligans against Salafists. Violent riot where police were attacked and police vehicles overturned. No sex, but more thugs and more violence. Todays demo had to be registered and the police knew in advance roughly how many thugs were coming. Hence the water cannon.


Well-Known Member
I note the police were active today at the demo by "far right" Pegida (who don't rape or molest women) in Cologne complete with water cannon and riot gear, whereas 200 of them were apparently powerless to do anything on new years eve.

Weird that, innit?

Why do you put far right in commas as if to question that? They are the equivalent of the EDL here. A nasty bunch of fascists whose sole aim is to cause unrest and fear.

It's absurd and frankly disturbing that you question police attitudes to these Neo Nazi thugs.


Well-Known Member
Why do you put far right in commas as if to question that? They are the equivalent of the EDL here. A nasty bunch of fascists whose sole aim is to cause unrest and fear.

It's absurd and frankly disturbing that you question police attitudes to these Neo Nazi thugs.

if they use Goebels language - they do - then I think you can assume that they are far right. The EDL have been quiet. Their ex leader has been to Germany and spoken at a Pegida rally. His plan is to come back as PEGIDA England. He was impressed by the tactics. Non violent "walks" - as the demos against the East German leadership were. Better chance of success than drunken mobs. The police were prepared today because the demo had to be approved in advance. More people turned up to the anti PEGIDA / Hooligan demo actually. The hooligan element is more EDL and some of them were in Cologne today. The leaders of the hooligans and PEGIDA are "Rattenfänger". The pied piper being a "Rattenfänger". The followers are not all bad. I know some who sympathise and they are nice people. They are not well off and are worried about their jobs, future etc.. The AfD, our UKIP, are more worrying because they will get votes because of this. The sex thing awakes emotions ( I have a young daughter and I am worried when she travels by train - her grand parents brought her home from Hamburg on 06. January by car ), but it is compounded by the police chief playing it down and the state TV and newspapers not reporting what happened and who did what. That is a bonus for PEGIDA. PEGIDA sold itself today as "PEGIDA protects". This attracts insecure people. Lutz Bachmann, the leader of PEGIDA , is a convicted burglar. Nice guy.....

Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member
I am questioning the tendency of the MSM to use "far-right" to describe any European anti-immigration party. The BBC news did this repeatedly last night about the demos in Cologne. This standard is dropped once we venture outside Europe, so is never used to describe say West Bank settlers in Israel, the more hawkish Israeli parties, the Saudi govt, Bahrain & Omani govts, Russians, Chinese, Japanese etc etc. The list is long, and these are all countries that have strict immigration regimes, execute people etc that go unquestioned by the western MSM.

Politically I would consider myself to be around the old-Labour/Green end of the spectrum; problem is that all the main UK and European parties come with mass-immigration attached- anybody who thinks this is a poor idea is pushed out to the smaller and more fanatical fringes. As far as I could see, Pegida began as a collection of normal people with genuine concerns about unrestricted immigration from the ME- and yes, Islamic immigrants do pose a far greater integration challenge than say Indians. My impression is that the MSM has since gone out on a limb to demonise Pegida- this is why I value the opinions of somebody like MartCov who I gather is actually on the ground in Germany and seems objective over the likes of Sick Boy et al who come across as brain- washed sixth formers (apologies if I'm wrong!). Again, my impression is that Europe will have mass immigration imposed on it regardless of what anybody thinks- I really get the impression there is an agenda at play here.

Going back to the original point, I feel labels such as left and right don't really mean that much (German fascism v Soviet communisim in the 1940s weren't all that different). Conservatives are a classic example- talk tough on immigration and are therefore "right" while numbers coming into the country actually increase and are effectively little different from say Labour on that point. I reiterate: I personally feel it is deeply misguided to allow hundreds of thousands of young male refugees from the ME (or anywhere for that matter) into Europe; we have no obligation to them whatsoever and there are numerous countries in the region that are culturally better placed to deal with them.

Jump forward a year when IS are teetering on the brink of collapse and ground forces are needed to go in and secure IS areas: who's it to be? Does anybody want to see the yanks go back in there? Ourselves? No. Any re-occupying forces will need to be composed of people with local knowledge and languages- and many potential recruits are currently being a pain in the arse (literally) in Germany.


Well-Known Member
Yes there are unfortunate labels thrown around these days. Want to help refugees you are a "loony lefty" concerned about immigration you are "anti immigration" not convinced that multiculturalism is going to end in peace and harmony you are most likely a "facist". Mates with a Moslem "terrorist sympathiser."

I read Matcovs posts with equal amounts of interest and trepidation I must admit

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I am questioning the tendency of the MSM to use "far-right" to describe any European anti-immigration party. The BBC news did this repeatedly last night about the demos in Cologne. This standard is dropped once we venture outside Europe, so is never used to describe say West Bank settlers in Israel, the more hawkish Israeli parties, the Saudi govt, Bahrain & Omani govts, Russians, Chinese, Japanese etc etc. The list is long, and these are all countries that have strict immigration regimes, execute people etc that go unquestioned by the western MSM.

Politically I would consider myself to be around the old-Labour/Green end of the spectrum; problem is that all the main UK and European parties come with mass-immigration attached- anybody who thinks this is a poor idea is pushed out to the smaller and more fanatical fringes. As far as I could see, Pegida began as a collection of normal people with genuine concerns about unrestricted immigration from the ME- and yes, Islamic immigrants do pose a far greater integration challenge than say Indians. My impression is that the MSM has since gone out on a limb to demonise Pegida- this is why I value the opinions of somebody like MartCov who I gather is actually on the ground in Germany and seems objective over the likes of Sick Boy et al who come across as brain- washed sixth formers (apologies if I'm wrong!). Again, my impression is that Europe will have mass immigration imposed on it regardless of what anybody thinks- I really get the impression there is an agenda at play here.

Going back to the original point, I feel labels such as left and right don't really mean that much (German fascism v Soviet communisim in the 1940s weren't all that different). Conservatives are a classic example- talk tough on immigration and are therefore "right" while numbers coming into the country actually increase and are effectively little different from say Labour on that point. I reiterate: I personally feel it is deeply misguided to allow hundreds of thousands of young male refugees from the ME (or anywhere for that matter) into Europe; we have no obligation to them whatsoever and there are numerous countries in the region that are culturally better placed to deal with them.

Jump forward a year when IS are teetering on the brink of collapse and ground forces are needed to go in and secure IS areas: who's it to be? Does anybody want to see the yanks go back in there? Ourselves? No. Any re-occupying forces will need to be composed of people with local knowledge and languages- and many potential recruits are currently being a pain in the arse (literally) in Germany.

Your presumptions are utterly laughable. Those who committed the attacks are disgusting and have no place in a civilised society. However, unlike you, I do not tar all of the asylum seekers with the same much brush; just how I don't label all white Englishmen as rapists after reading about sex attacks here.

Have you ever spent anytime living abroad?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Yes there are unfortunate labels thrown around these days. Want to help refugees you are a "loony lefty" concerned about immigration you are "anti immigration" not convinced that multiculturalism is going to end in peace and harmony you are most likely a "facist". Mates with a Moslem "terrorist sympathiser."

I read Matcovs posts with equal amounts of interest and trepidation I must admit

I would certainly label someone who defends a far right fascist organisation as a c**t.


Well-Known Member
The world is a frightening place and the Internet for all its uses is a hotbed of hatred. There is an outlet for every last twisted, messed up individual

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
"Have you ever spent anytime living abroad"

About 28 years - mainly in Asia but also in the middle east.

How about you?


It's a shame it didn't have any kind of influence on you and you now resort to posting extremist views on a football forum.

If it was Muslims/asylum seekers you'd be going after another group of people, whether it be Jews, Asians, Polish, black people etc.

Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member

It's a shame it didn't have any kind of influence on you and you now resort to posting extremist views on a football forum.

If it was Muslims/asylum seekers you'd be going after another group of people, whether it be Jews, Asians, Polish, black people etc.

Wouldn't have a bit of a problem with judgementalism there would you Sickie?

It had a massive influence on me- all of my ideas on immigration have been picked up from places I lived in.

Many of my mates, old girlfriends, wives and kids have all been from outside Europe from a variety of faiths and races, as it happens, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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