I don't get all this what if is was Africa, what if it was China etc.
I think what the Chinese are doing to the Uighars is absolutely disgusting and would love to see us do something, but I think the only thing we could do is to boycott trade with them and hope sanctions are agreed upon by an official body.
Russia have actually invaded another country. It's something completely different isn't it and we can only deal with the here and now and I think it was Tizsa, he is quite right, it does affect your thinking when it's closer to home and not some far away place.
I did know of Charles Taylor.
This whole Ukrainian thing is just f*cked up though and we are sitting here and watching the whole thing unfold.
I really wish we could do something. I think Putin knows we won't and I am worried as to which country will be next. He has a desire to take back all the countries that gained their independence back in the 1990's.
I find the whole situation, disgusting, upsetting and quite bemusing too.
And don't ask me what I would do, because I honestly don't know, but I feel we should be doing something.

More than what we are.