What’s happening in France and is that us in 2 weeks?
If you go past the headlines....yes it could be us.
Parts of what is happening are confusing. One woman started advertising her hairdressers was opening on the 11th March. Social media went into meltdown. Half were saying it wasn't allowed and the other half were saying it was allowed.
Children's clothes shops are allowed to reopen on the 11th. Does this mean only children's clothes or is it any shop that sells some children's clothes? If this is the case can a shop start selling some children's clothes and then reopen?
They have managed the situation much better than we have. But there is still a lot of confusion about. You can't shut life down as we know it and not explain every point clearly. But how do you explain every point clearly when people are desperate to get their businesses up and running again so are looking for loopholes.
The only clear rule is no entertainment business of any kind is allowed to reopen until at least mid July.