I don't see how being anti-Brexit makes someone anti-UK, I believe it will lead to substantial damage. If I was anti-UK in my view I'd be all for Brexit happening.
It isn't the anti Brexit. I don't blame anyone for being anti Brexit. It has been a fuck up from start to finish. It shouldn't even be happening.
People voted UKIP. The Tories were losing votes to it. Cameron offered a referendum if he got back in. He lied when he said we were in talks with the EU about changing policies in our benefit. Juncker spoke immediately saying we were not in talks and there would never be talks. Put it all together and you got the leave vote.
What gets me is every bit of news that could be seen as it might have a benefit to the UK after leaving becomes a shitfest. That pissed me off.
It looks like we are leaving. We need positivity. We need a plan. What we have is several plans that are no good to anyone. We need those involved to get around a table. Lock them in a room until things get resolved.
It is the future of everyone that is at stake. Yet lots of them just see it as a way of extending their political futures. But untold millions throughout the EU depend on a good conclusion for all. They need to know where they will be living or able to live. What rights do their children have? Will they still have a job.
But no. Those in charge don't seem to give a shit about us. The Tories who wanted us to stay in are taking us out. Labour, who wanted to take us out now want us to stay in because it is the opposite of what the Tories are doing. So neither side are giving their all for what they say they want or are doing. Then you have them dealing with the EU who say they want to come to an amicable deal. But they don't as they don't want us to leave. It is worth too much money that we give them each year and also how much trade they get from us.
So in short nobody wants what they say. And we wonder why it is going so badly.